Get equipped to handle stressful life events,

in 1 week or less.


Available Now for Only $97 


Things you already know: 

You’re capable of being productive,

You have the ability to set goals and achieve them,

You benefit from consistently taking care of yourself,

But stress keeps getting in your way.

We’re told to believe STRESS IS BAD.

And because of this, it messes with your head and your body (literally and figuratively).

Which in turn messes with your work, your health, your relationships, and your life: 

Your brain fog clouds your daily actions & activities leaving you as just a shell of the human you once were.
...Your perfect nutrition plan gets thrown out the window at the mercy of your stress-induced cravings
...Or maybe you can’t attack your workouts with the same zeal.
...You have snap reactions at work with clients or co-workers
... not to mention how stress ignites a fire in even the most basic situations with friends or family.

Life’s challenges will never go away. But we will equip you with the tools to conquer

In Stress School – we’ll show you how.


Stress School is an online solutions focused mini-course that will teach you WHY stress gets the best of you, HOW your body responds to stress, and WHAT to finally do about it, so you can live up to your full potential.

...And in doing so, you’ll also be helping us donate to a charitable cause.

10% of all profits will go to the Center of Disease Philanthropy to support healthcare workers, quarantined & vulnerable individuals, and hygiene promotion.


  • Once you start stressing, then you start stressing about your current and future stress.
  • Stress throws you off your routine and makes you feel out of control.
  • Stressful situations make it hard for you to focus on anything else.
  • Stress is a gateway to other negative feelings like anxiety and low energy.
  • Stressing out takes a toll on your relationships, your sleep, and your eating behaviors.
  • You avoid acknowledging the word “stress” at all costs, but yet, you are.
  • And then sometimes, you don’t even know why you’re so stressed.

If any of this sounds personally familiar, or perhaps you’re a coach that works with people that express these concerns and want to understand stress better... Stress School is for you.

Enroll now for $57 until April 10th (Reg. $97)



  • Anyone looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to coping with stress.
  • Anyone hoping to live a completely stress-free life.
  • Anyone that doesn’t care to understand stress from a holistic perspective. This is a mind and body integrated course. You should be prepared to learn aspects of physiology/ science and physical health, as well as mindset and psychology.



This is a self-paced online course, designed to be completed over the course of 7 days (but can be done in 1 day if you’re up for it)


Section 1: Intro: Stress School 101
Section 2: Types of Stress and the Stress Response
Section 3: What Stress Does to Your Body
Section 4: Perceptions, Physiology and Physical Health
Section 5: The Stress Mindset Effect
Section 6: Awareness, Self-Control, and Stress
Section 7: Science Based Strategies to Manage Stress

Video lessons, readings, and the Stress School Worksheet will accompany each section to solidify your learning and application of the content.

Until April 10th, enroll for $57 (Reg. $97)



Kasey Jo Orvidas, Ph.D.

Kasey is a coach and holds a Ph.D. in psychology with an expertise in health behavior change. She has transformed hundreds of lives (minds and bodies!) in her coaching career, via 1:1 coaching and mentorship for other health coaches. You can find Kasey’s research published in multiple peer reviewed journals for her research exploring the relationship between mindset and health and fitness behaviors. She also maintains the honor of being on the scientific review board for Legion Athletics.

Learn more about Kasey on Instagram:


Sam Miller

Sam has a passion for mentoring other coaches so that they can overcome their clients' transformation struggles and metabolic issues. His experience as a coach and mentor culminated in writing for publications like T-Nation, speaking across the country for fitness professionals, and presenting for corporations like LinkedIn. He also teaches a "Men's Health Masterclass" for Nutritional Coaching Institute to explain how hormone optimization is possible through diet, exercise, and supplementation strategies. Sam is also the host of Sam Miller Science podcast on iTunes and Spotify.

Learn more about Sam on Instagram:



This course is for people of any and all stress levels! In fact, you could be totally stress-free right now, but want to be prepared for future stressful events or want to help someone else during a stressful time.

Stress affects everything, especially our SHREDS. This includes things like hunger, energy, cravings, digestion, fat loss, and sleep. If you’re a nutrition coach, you need to know how stress shows up in the human body and how to help your clients with it.

Absolutely. Stress School covers the scientific basics around stress to empower you to apply the information in your life, or with your clients. This is not an extremely advanced course. The purpose of Stress School is to increase your level of understanding when it comes to stress and how to improve your life right now.

Unless you have a professional degree in these areas or have been managing stress levels in others for decades, you will definitely take away new knowledge and tools from Stress School.

Stress is inevitable and it comes from everywhere… from parenting, to cranky co-workers, to sick family members. Getting better equipped to handle these situations and understand what happens in your body is crucial to getting “better” at stress.

NOPE! Take your time. We anticipate some folks will finish in a day, while others may need a few weeks to make it through the 7 modules.

$57 (about $8 per day) until the end of the promotional period on April 10th. 

The entire course and related materials will be available to you in an online course platform for your computer or smartphone. You will access it via your personal log-in information provided after purchase.

If you complete all the material in Stress School (including videos, worksheets, and your assessment), but don’t feel like it was helpful. We have a 7-day 100% money back guarantee.

Enrollment in Stress School will only be offered for $57 until APRIL 10th. After that, the course will increase to the regular price of $97.

Enroll for a promotional rate of $57 until April 10th (Reg. $97)


50% Complete

Two Step

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